Monday, May 30, 2016

APRIL 28, 2016

It's 9:11 pm in Chicago. I am on my porch swing wrapped in my favorite fluffy warm blanket. My first mentee moved in today and I called her to see if she wanted to listen to the church bells with me on her first night. She didn't answer the phone and I didn't pursue it. As I sat down in my silence of city noises, I heard God say "This is our time. I'm singing to you." It's in my nature to share but God reminded me this is self's OK to have this time just for Him and I. It's what quiets my restless ever busy going's my date time with my Love, not a group date with friends. And I'm good with that. Serenade me my Love. ‪#‎PorchSwingLife‬‪#‎KissOnForeheadFromGod‬ ‪#‎SelfCare‬

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